Sunday, July 1, 2012


Lesson 8: The Cost of Discipleship 4
(Taking up One’s Cross to Follow Jesus)
Main Text: Mark 8:34 – 38
Memory Verse: Mark 8:34

Taking up one’s cross was part of the conditions to becoming a disciple. The cross is a symbol of suffering, pain, disgrace and death.
Taking up ones cross means:
·         Being prepared to do whatever Christ tells us to do even if we must endure pain or are considered fools by unbelievers.
·         it is a means of holding on to things we would otherwise neglect if we had our own way.
·         doing the will of God even if it goes against our will; doing God’s will if it is at the cost of the most painful decision and action, even unto death
·         To love Jesus supremely is to deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow Him.
·         Members of the early Church took up the cross in time of persecution. Act. 8:3-6
·         They left their comfort zones to the desert under God’s instruction. Act. 8:4-8,26-35.

Points for Discussion
1.     What are some of the things that may constitute a cross in today’s Christian life that relates to:
·         Church leadership.
·         Family Life
·         Work
·         Youthfulness.

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