Sunday, August 19, 2012


Lesson 14- The Family Life of the Disciple
Christian Parenting II
Main Text: 2 Timothy 1:3-5
Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 6:7

Christian parenting is the process of raising and caring for children according to God’s word. It is a deliberate venture. Offspring must be intentionally exposed to the tenets of scripture by word and deed. Godly children do not just happen; it takes lots of effort and prayer to raise them.

In Deut. 6:7, God enjoins the Israelites to teach His laws to their children. They were to teach their children God’s laws in the context of everyday life and experiences.

Christian parenting involves;
1.        Loving the children (Titus 2:4)
2.       Introducing them to the Lord at an early age (Mt 19:13-14)
3.       Guiding and disciplining them in the ways of the Lord (Pro 22:6)
4.      Teaching them to obey the Lord in everything (Deut 32:46)
Some practical aspects of Christian parenting include;
·         Taking younger children to Sunday school and church
·         Telling them value based bible stories, and letting them participate in the family devotions
·         Providing for the food, clothing, shelter and opportunities for an education
·         Above all godly parents should pray for their children. Pray for their salvation and protection

Points for Discussion
1.     What is Christian Parenting?
2.    What are some of the practical ingredients that go into raising children in the lord?

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Lesson 13:The Family Life of the Disciple
Christian Parenting 1

Main Text: Psalm 127:1-5
Memory Verse: Genesis 18:19

The primary responsibility of a Christian couple to their children is parenting. When we become disciples of Jesus Christ we are enjoined to use biblical methods of parenting. We are to raise our children according to God’s word, and not by family or tribal tradition and practices.

A.    God’s purpose for our children

·         God’s order to our first parent, Adam and Eve
“Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth Gen. 1:28”
·         Bearing offspring is in God’s will for the couple
·         God seeks godly children to carry his word to the next generation (Joel 1:3, Mal 2:15)
·         Children are the first disciples of a Christian couple.

B.     Children are a gift and reward from God (not a nuisance or distraction, not liabilities but assets) Ps. 127:3-4
·      They are like arrows in a man’s quiver which are aimed and shot unto the future to shape it and ensure the establishment of God's kingdom.

Point for Discussion

1.     What is God’s purpose for our children?
2.    How do we achieve God’s purpose for our children?
3.    Read Ps 127:3-4 and discuss.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Lesson 12: The Disciple’ Marriage 4
                    (The Role of the Wife)
Main Text: Ephesians 5:22-33
Memory Verse: Eph. 5:24

The word of God assigns the following roles to a wife;
·         The wife submits to her husband (Eph 5:22-24). This refers to “yielding in surrender, in compliance to one who is in control of the other".  Though the wife is not inferior, God has made the man the head of the home and so the wife submits to his headship in everything. But it’s crucial that the wife remembers that she must not submit to her husband if she will disobey God by doing so, as her relationship with Him is the most important (Deut 6:5).

·         The wife respects her husband (Eph 5:33).
·         The wife provides companionship
·         The wife cares for her home and family(Prov.  31:27-29).

Points for Discussion
1.     In what ways can the wife submit to the husband?
2.    In what ways can the wife respect the husband?
3.    In what ways can the wife care for the home and family?
4.      Are there other roles for the wife?