Sunday, July 8, 2012


Lesson 9: The Disciple’s Marriage 1
Main Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Memory Verse: Gen. 2:18

Christian marriage is a covenant relationship in which a man and a woman are united together as one in order to accomplish God's purpose for their lives. (Genesis 2:24). The first institution God gave man was the institution of the family. God after creating everything and man in his own image, realized that it was not good for man to be alone. Though he brought the animals to man to name, yet none was found to be suitable for man. God created Eve (a helper suitable to Adam) for man and blessed their union. Man was excited with God’s choice and exclaimed ‘this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh’-Gen. 2:23. God then established pattern of the marriage institution forever-leaving, cleaving, one flesh.
When Christian couples understand this basic foundation, marriage would fulfill the desired purpose of God-companionship.

Points for Discussion
1.     From the main text, how do you understand Christian marriage?
2.    What is the basic function of marriage?
3.    How can this function be achieved in marriage?
4.    How do you understand the verse “the man and his wife were both naked and felt no shame?” Gen. 2:25


  1. I'm glad about these publications of Gods unadulterated word on the e-media. There's also the need to create enough awareness about it. Its a possible overwhelming soul winning and life changing tool. You could as well add the Chairman's video teaching on these Topics through Utube. God bless the managers of this page.

  2. God bless the managers of this page.
