Sunday, June 24, 2012


Lesson 7: The Cost of Discipleship 3
Main Text: Matthew 16:24-26
Memory Verse: Matthew 16:24

Discipleship is a serious business and often a lonely experience. The early disciples have to deny themselves before they could faithfully do the pleasure of their Master. Denying oneself implies that the disciple;
·         Must love Jesus more than self.
·         Must not seek his own happiness at the expense of the will of God.
·         Must be willing to give up his desires for the sake of Christ.
·         Must not chase after worldly comfort, dignity, and glory at the expense of his love for Christ.
·         Must desire things that are in the supreme interest of Christ and His Church.
The saying, “God first”, usually quoted by many who claim to be Christians, must be taken serious in all activities of a true disciple. A true disciple’s love for God must be stronger than self -will.

Points for Discussion
1. Why should Christians deny themselves to become true disciples?
2. What are some of the human desires we must say ‘no’ to?
3. In what ways have you denied yourself as a disciple of Christ?

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