Wednesday, April 22, 2015





Main Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12 -27
Memory Verse: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27 NIV)


Another quality of a good steward is that of being a team player. Throughout the ministry of Christ He demonstrated the significance of working in teams. He was one with the Father, and for three years, he ministered with twelve disciples. In some cases he moved with Peter, James and John. And occasionally he sent out the disciples in twos for specific assignments. Working together as the team increases productivity. We need to work together like the human body which has different parts but functions as one unit. Every part of the body is important and depends on other parts for the whole body to function well. We are surrounded by people whether at work, in the Church or in the community. It is therefore essential to be good team players for us to achieve positive results.

Discussion Questions

1.    a. Mention three parts of the body and how they help the body function as one unit.
b.  As part of the body of Christ in which way can you contribute to the growth of the Church.
2.    What is the importance of being a team player in the:
b.    Work place?
c.    Community?
3.    What are the factors that destroy teams? Verses 15, 26
4.    How can we maintain our Christian faith as members of teams that are outside the Church circle?


If you are a professional try to be active in your professional association or be a member of your career association. Being a member of a secular association does not mean you have to involve yourself in ungodly activities. Be motivated to take leadership position in secular associations so that you can influence others in the right direction. Like the five wise virgins, be in the right team and do not compromise your faith. Be a good steward of any position that is entrusted to you. Through that you may win souls for the Lord. Avoid back- biting, laziness and gossips which are attitudes that destroy good team spirit.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Nnawɔtwe 16. Nsiyɛ

Nnawɔtwe 16 – ɔhwɛfo pa su II – Nsiyɛ

Adesua Titire: Gyenesis 26:17-24
Sua Gu Wo Tirim: 2 Tesalonikafoɔ 3:11-12  “Na yεteebinom a wɔnenam basabasa  mo mu, na wɔnyε adwuma, na mmom wɔyε tεretεre. Na wɔn a wɔte saa no, yεhyε wɔn tu fo, yεn  Awurade Yesu Kristo mu, sε wɔnyε adwuma komm mfa mpε wɔn ano aduane.”

Ɔɔhwεfo pa yε Nsiyε ne odwumayεfoɔ.  Bible no tu yεn fo sε yεmfa adwumaden mpε yεn ano aduane. Nokorεm Onyankopɔn hyεε Adam berε a ɔde no tenaa turo no mu no sε ɔnnɔ na ɔnwεn hɔ (Gyenesis2:15). Adwumaden hia wɔ yεn abrabɔ mu nyinaa.

Onyankopɔn hwεhwε onipa biara sε ɔbεfa adwumaden na ɔnam so ahwε asase nnepa  a ɔde ahyε yεn nsa no yie. Ahwεsofoɔ pa nnyε anihafoɔ, wɔbɔ wɔn ho so yε adwumaden de siesie wɔn ho twεn wɔn wura kɔpem sε ɔbεba.

Wɔ yεn adesua a edi so mu no, yɛhunuu Isak a ɔne nkoa tuu abura mmiεnsa sε εbεyε a wɔbεnya nsuo daa. Ahwεsofoɔ pa wɔn ho mmɔdenadwuma, de siesie wɔn ho twεn  wɔn wura. Akristofoɔ nyinaa wura a yεretwεn no ne yεn Awurade Yesu Kristo.

Ɛ1. ɛhe na Isak tu kɔtenaeε? Gyenesis 26:17.
2. Deεn na Isak yε faa ne papa mmura no ho? Gyenesis 26:18
3. Mprε dodoɔ sεn na Isak nkoa no tuu mmura no? Gyenesis 26:22
4. Ahosiesie bεn na Isak yε de hyiaa Awurade? Gyenesis 26:24

Akristofoɔ anihafoɔ yε ahwεsofoɔ ahiafoɔ. Onyansani Solomon ka wɔ Mmebusεm 18:9 sε, “Deε ɔtoto n’adwuma ase no, ɔdesεefoɔ ma ne no.”  Yεhunu wɔ yεn adesua yi mu sε Isak ahwεsofoɔ no nso de aniεden tutu mmura pii tiaa ne deε no . Sε εnyε adwumaden a anka wotuu baako anaa mmienu no anka wɔbεgyae, nanso wɔnam nsi ne anem yε so tuu deε εtɔ so mmiεsa a obiara ne wɔn ampere so bio.

Sε woyε aban adwuma , ankorankorε bi anaa w’ankasa w’adwuma no, εsε sε wohunu sε, woyε ɔhwεsofo pa. Bɔ mmɔden sε wobεfa akwannya a εda hɔ ma wo no so na woayε bi ama aboro soɔ. Ehia sε yεn nyinaa bεfa adwumaden honhom sε ahwεsofoɔ pa ama yεn Awurade.

Friday, April 17, 2015





Main text: Genesis 26:17-24
Memory Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12 “We hear that some of you are idle. They are not busy, they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat”.

A good steward is diligent or hardworking. The Bible instructs everyone to work hard and feed himself. In fact, Adam was asked to till the garden, or be a gardener (Gen. 2:15). Hard work is needed at every level of life. God requires everybody to work very hard in catering for the resources he has entrusted into our hands. Good stewards are not shrewd, they apply themselves to hard work in readiness of the coming of their master. In our main text, we encounter Isaac and his servants who had to dig three different wells to be sustained. A good steward works hard, hence is always ready to meet his/her master, who in the case of Christians is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Discussion Questions
1. Where did Isaac move to? Gen 26:17
2. What did Isaac do to his father’s wells? Gen 26:18
3. How were the stewards of Isaac opposed? Gen 26:19-20
4. How many times did the servants of Isaac dig the wells? Gen 26:22
5. How ready was Isaac to meet the LORD? Gen 26:24

Lazy Christians are poor stewards. The wise man, Solomon says in Proverbs 18:9 that “A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things” (NLT). We learn from our study how the stewards of Isaac diligently dug three different wells due to opposition. They could have stopped after the first of the second but due to hard work and diligence, they dug a third one which was undisputed. Whether you are working for the government, somebody or yourself, you must see yourself as the steward of God. Endeavour to do better, by taking advantage of available training opportunities. We all need to be hardworking stewards for our Lord.

Thursday, April 9, 2015





Main text: Genesis 41:41-49
Memory verse: 1 Cor 4:2 “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful”.

Stewardship is based on a high level of trust. Since the steward is given the freedom to do what he thinks is the master’s will, he/she needs certain qualities to be a good steward. In our study on stewardship, we saw that the man with one talent failed to use his talent even though he called his lord “master”. Many Christians today are afraid of helping their fellow saints because some of these needy saints are not trustworthy. They pretend to be faithful when the master is present but do their own things when the master is absent. Our study today looks at an important quality of a good steward, trustworthiness.

Discussion questions
1. What was Joseph made a steward of? Gen. 41:41
2. How was Joseph honoured? Gen. 41:43-45
3. How did Joseph discharge his duties? Gen. 41:47-48
4. Was Joseph trustworthy in his dealings? Gen. 41:49
5. How did Pharaoh’s presence or absence influence Joseph’s work rate?
6. Was Joseph a faithful steward? Explain.

Trustworthiness is a quality every steward needs. Pharaoh put Joseph, a young man of 30 years, (Gen. 41:46) in charge of the whole of Egypt because he trusted Joseph. The absence of Pharaoh did not affect the output of Joseph. Even in abundant harvest, Joseph did not store up any of the harvest for himself. As stewards of God, it is required of us to be trustworthy and faithful. In this postmodern world, many people think once they are not caught in an act, it is normal and okay. Some even go to the extent of denying things they know very well they have done. Our Lord is not interested in such stewards. Rather, he delights in those who will be faithful even in the little things given them.