Sunday, February 17, 2013



MEMORY VERSE:Psalm 119:164

MAIN TEXT:Colossians 3:12-17

The whole of the Christian’s life is intended to be devoted, in word and action, to the praise and worship of God on a daily basis. It is this constant consecrated walk with God which gives us ready access to the throne of God in worship. This closer walk with God must be rooted in the word of God, which we should read, listen to, study, memorise, discuss, and teach as necessary. Also, we should “always offer praise to God as our sacrifice through Jesus, which is the offering presented by lips that confess him as Lord” (Heb.  13:15, GNB).   


1.      Why should we allow the peace that comes from Christ to rule in our hearts? Colossians 3:15

2.      According to Colossians 3:16, what types of songs are Christians called upon to sing?

3.      When should the believer live a devoted life to the praise and worship of God?

4.      According to Colossians 3:13, why should believers forgive one another as they approach God in worship?

5.      Why are believers to clothe themselves with love? Colossians 3:14

CONCLUSION: The importance of songs in acceptable worship is pointed out by Paul’s exhortation that,We should sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.(Colossians 3:16b).Here Paul wants our worship to be complete.  Psalms may be singing from the actual Psalms in the Bible.  Hymns may be singing some known and written songs in existence. Spiritual songs possibly will be spontaneous prophetic songs given by the Holy Spirit during the time of praying or ministering to God. Spiritual songs are new songs given by Holy Spiritat a particular.

Monday, February 11, 2013



MAIN TEXT: John 4:1-26


Having looked at worship as was practiced in the Old Testament, it is necessary to look at its practice in the New Testament. In particular we shall pay attention to the low level of outward rituals and locations, as well as the high premium that God places on purity of heart and character in worship in New Testament times. The lesson is expected to guide us to worship God as He expects.

During the time of Jesus the Jews boasted of their templeworship in Jerusalem, whiles the Samaritans boasted of Mount Gerizim as the right place of worship. But Jesus proved both the Jews and the Samaritans wrong so far as true worship is concerned.      ``         



1.      From the previous and current studies, how is worship in the New Testament different from worship in the Old Testament?

2.      Where is the best place to worship God? John 4:20-24

3.      How do true worshippers worship God? John 4:23

4.      According to the study, what does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth?

5.      How does a person’s character influence the way they worship God?



CONCLUSION: God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24, NLT). The implication is that there are true worshippers as well as false worshippers. False worshippers are those who worship in the flesh, (they worship for worshipping sake).  These people may sing, clap, kneel or follow all the motions of worship, but it may only be formality or a show. True worshippers are those who worship God from the heart.  God is always looking for such people. He expects us to put aside all hypocrisy and to worship Him with sincerity of heart and motive.

Thursday, February 7, 2013



MAIN TEXT: Isaiah 1:11-20


In our studies on Praises and worship, it is necessary to look at what God sees as acceptable worship. We shall also be looking at what is false worship. In so doing we shall see and keep away from whatever constitutes false worship. We can then confidently approach God with the fullest assurance that our praises and worship will be meaningful.


In the Old Testament, the people of Israel became so used to worship and therefore indifferent to the meanings of the rituals involved in their worship. As a result they lost touch with God.  God therefore became fed up with their rituals and denounced them through the prophets with statements like “I am sick of your sacrifices,” and “Don’t bring me any more burnt offerings!”(Isaiah 1:11a, NLT).


1.      What does God require of His children as they approach Him in worship? Leviticus 11:44a

2.      Describe in your own words what it means to be holy.

3.      What are some of the rituals by which the people of Israel approached God in worship?

4.      Why did God denounce the manner in which the people of Israel approached Him during worship?

5.      In what ways do Christians at times behave like the people of Israel during worship?


CONCLUSION: Although God takes pleasure in our worship, He does not want us to worship Him without understanding and commitment. Since He is holy, He expects His people to worship Him in holiness.  In view of this He declares, “For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy (Leviticus 11:44a NKJV).We need to avoid holding on to mere rituals in worship as the people of Israel did. Essentially, we should approach God in worship with purity of heart, love for justice, mercy, and righteousness. This is acceptable worship.