Monday, March 26, 2012


The Features of the Church II

Main Text: Hebrews 12:22-24, Matt. 16-16-18   
Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 15:20
The church which comprises all who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior consists of two main groups, namely, The Church Militant and The Church Triumphant.
The Church Militant: This refers to the church of God on earth, and comprises all believers who are alive.  She has the following qualities:
·        Has the keys of the kingdom of God
·        Has power to bind the Devil and his agents
·        Has power to lose those bound by the Devil
·        Has power to discipline her  members    
·        She derives her authority from Heaven

The Triumphant Church comprises of all believers who are dead physically dead (called to glory or asleep in Christ). This church has the following qualities:
·        The  earthly toils of these members are over and they are not touched by sin
·        They are awaiting the second coming of the Lord Jesus           1Thess 4:16-17
·        They are in a state of rest
·        They will arise first when Jesus returns for His Bride, the Church
·        They will have glorified bodies

Points for Discussion:
1.      What signifies that you are in the militant church?
2.      What signifies that you have power to bind and loose?
3.      When does one become a member of the Triumphant Church?

Monday, March 19, 2012


The Features of the Church I

Main Text: 1 Peter 2:4-10

Memory Verse: 1Peter. 2:9

Jesus in His lifetime made reference to two main aspects of the Church. These are the Church Universal and the Church Local.

The Church Universal
The Church Universal comprise all people of God in generations past and present, and yet to come, who have accepted and will accept the Lord Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour from nations, tribes, tongues and kindred. i.e. all over the world.
These Christians could also be identified as:
Royal priesthood, holy nation and people belonging to God.
Christians all over the world are in one family which is the Church Universal with Christ as the Head. As members of one family we should therefore love one another.
The Church Local
In the local setting, the word "Church" applies to a group of professing believers located and fellowshipping in a particular place (Rom.16:3-15).
It is not enough to belong to the Church Universal hence the need to belong to the Church Local for meaningful and active fellowship.
The Church Local has in place administrative structures for her effective functioning. These could be the District Pastor, Presiding Elder, other Elders and Officers who help in the administration of the Church.

Points for Discussion

1. What do you understand by the Church Universal?
2. How are we to relate to people in other Denominations and other Faiths?

Friday, March 16, 2012


The Purpose of the Church
Main Texts: Acts 2:37-47
Memory Verse: Acts 2:42
The purpose of the Church is three-fold;

To Reach up to God in Worship
This is where praise, honour and adoration are directed to God, for His gracious gifts to His people through Jesus Christ.
·   Glorifying and adoring Him as God the Creator.
·   Speaking of His majestic power and authority.
·   Giving to acknowledge that He is the giver of life and all things.

To Reach in to Believers in Fellowship Acts. 2:42-47
·   Having fellowship means ministering to one another, in relationship, service to one another in love and assisting each other without expecting a reward. We serve one another with our talents no matter the cost.
·   Teach, exhort and encourage in love, share our time and substance with one another
·   Demonstrate practical love to each other.
·   Forgive one another in time of offences and be faithful to one another.
·   Pray for and share in the fears and aspirations of one another.

 To Reach out to Sinners in Evangelism -Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15-17
• To bring people to Christ through personal and mass evangelism

Through her three -fold purpose, the church:
·  Sustains Christ's ministry on earth (Luke 24:46-47)
·  Promotes righteousness in the world (1 Pet. 2: 11-12)
·  Destroys the work of the devil through prayer, the word of God and evangelism.(Eph. 6:10-12)

When these purposes are in balance, the Church experiences growth and we all come to perfect stature in Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13).
Points for Discussion
What are some of the ways by which the following purpose of the Church is fulfilled in your local Assembly
a.  Worship
b.  Fellowship
c.  Evangelism
N/B FOR MORE  Info on THE CHURCH,go to my blog by clicking on this link:

Monday, March 12, 2012


Church Membership

Main Text: Matthew 16:16-18
Memory Verse: John 1:12
The church is the body of Christ, made up of regenerated persons redeemed by the blood of Christ and transformed by the Holy Spirit. Conditions for membership into this body of Christ are clearly spelt out in Scripture.
Conditions for Membership in the Church
·         Repentance from sin and dead works
·         Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and the Son of God                    
·         The New Birth          
·         Baptism in water in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit 

After submitting oneself voluntarily and genuinely to the conditions stated above, it is important to maintain one’s membership in the church in a responsible manner by:
·         Keeping to sound biblical teaching                       Hebrews 6:1-2
·         Sharing in Christian fellowship and regular church attendance           Hebrews 10:25
·         Participating regularly in the Lord’s supper         1 Cor 11:23-28
·         Developing personal and corporate prayer life
·         Giving regularly to support the church through tithes and offerings
·         Witnessing to the lost and making disciples

Points for Discussion
1.    How do you become a member of the Church?
2.    What is responsible church membership?

Monday, March 5, 2012


What Is The Church?
Main Text: Matthew 16:13-20
Memory Verse: Matthew 16:18            
The word “church” is translated from the Greek word EKKLESIA which is formed from two words namely EK (which means “out of”) and KALEO (which means “to call”). EKKLESIA, and for that matter the church, literally means “the called out ones”.
The word “church” signifies, generally an assembly, either common or religious.
In the New Testament it usually means a congregation of religious worshippers, either Jewish, or Christians.
When used to refer to Christians, the church essentially signifies:
The universal Christian church: either the invisible church, consisting of those whose names are written in heaven, whom God knows, or the visible church, made up of the professed followers of Christ on earth.

A particular church or body of professing believers, who meet and worship together in one place.

The entire life of the church is rooted in Christ who is the builder of the church. Therefore people become true members of the called out body of believers only by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Points for Discussion
1. What does the word “church” mean?
2. Who is the builder of the church?
3. What is the source of authority of the church?