Sunday, April 6, 2014




All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

Bible is an inspired book which is life and gives life; it is the WORD OF GOD.  It is infallible in its declaration, final in its authority, comprehensive and all – sufficient in its provisions. The Bible is divided into two parts: Old Testament which consist of 39 books and the New Testament consisting of 27 books. In all, there are sixty – six (66) books in the Bible.                                      

This lesson will help you answer questions such as;

What is the Bible?

Whom was the Bible written to?

How can the Bible help one to grow in the Lord?

1.     The Word of God

a.       What does the Word of God say about itself in 2 Timothy 3:16?


b.      For whom is the Word of God, according to Matthew 4:4? Tick the correct answer:

…………… For experts.                   

…………… For preachers.

            …………… For believers.                 

…………… For everyone – men and women.

c.       According to Psalm 119:105, the Word of God is

………………………… and ……………………………............

d.      According to Psalm 119:103, what is the Word of God compared with?


e.       Reading from Ephesians 6:17, the Word of God is


f.        According to Hebrews 4:12, the word of God is



From the following passages, how would reading the Word of God help you grow in your daily Christian life?

a.       Psalm 119:11


b.      John 15:3


c.       Acts 20:32 ………………………………………………

d.      2 Timothy 3:15 ………………………………………….

e.       What did God tell Joshua after the death of Moses in Joshua 1:8?


f.       How can a young man keep his way pure according to Psalm 119:9?


g.      All other literature will pass away but 1 Peter 1:25 states that the word of God


A believer needs to spend time alone with God. As a new believer, it is the constant reading of the word (Bible) and prayer that can help you grow. To start the attitude of Bible studies, follow these steps:

a.       Set apart a time every day to nourish your life with the Word. This is commonly referred to as devotion.

b.      Read carefully for 15 to 25 minutes a selected portion of the Bible; you could start with the Gospel of Luke as a beginner.

c.       As you grow in the faith you will spend more time on the word running from several minutes into many hours.

d.      Meditate on how what you read relates with how you are living now. As you read, you will find promises from God for your life, commandments to obey, sins for which you should ask for forgiveness and teachings about what God expects from you.

e.       Pray according to what God has said to you through the Word. Do not forget the purposes of prayer that you studied in this lesson: worship, give thanks, pray for your needs and those of other people, confess your sins and ask for forgiveness.


You have completed another lesson and that shows that you are really making progress in your studies, your mentor and Christ of course should be proud of you! Remember that the Bible is the Word of God; it was written to you for your growth and maturity in Christ. As you read it, reflect on it and obey its commandments so that you will grow in the Lord. Try to reflect on these questions and find answers for them:

1.      What do I think about the word of God?

2.      What benefit would I gain from studying the Bible?

3.      What is the Bible to me?

4.      How can you put into practice what you learned?

5.      Would you encounter any obstacles incorporating these principles into your life? If yes, how could you overcome them with the help of the Lord and your discipler?

Discipler’s Confirmation (to be filled by New Convert Teacher)

I (Discipler),……………………………………………………………..

 do affirm that ……………………………………………………… (name of new convert) has completed this lesson and all his/her questions have been discussed. He/she is therefore grounded on this topic.
Signature of Discipler: ………………………  Date: …….……..

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