Sunday, September 9, 2012


Lesson 16- The Disciple & Home Management –                 
  Managing Relationships
Main Text: Ephesians 5: 21-25  
Memory Verse: Romans 12:18

God created Adam and Eve to be the primary family unit. When He brought them together as husband and wife, the first home was established. Following this, God expected Adam and Eve to reflect His power, glory, and will by the way they related with Him and each other. With the birth of Cain and Abel, the couple had greater responsibilities to each other as well as to their children; the children also had responsibilities to God, towards each other, their parents, and to themselves. Presently, the disciple of Christ is faced with the challenge of managing their homes well with the view to glorifying God.
In the home the disciple is expected to reflect the life of Christ in:
o The way he relates with God though personal devotions
o The way he relates with other members of the home
o The way he receives and treats visitors to the home
In all the above relationships the disciple is to be:
·         Guided by the word of God, and driven by:
          *Genuine love   *Faithfulness *Fairness  *Respect for others
           *Justice, and desire for personal holiness

Points For Discussion:
1.       How is your fellowship with God at home?
2.      How do you share fellowship with other members of the home?
What can you do in Christ to make other members of the home happy?

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