Sunday, September 16, 2012


Lesson 17-The Disciple & Home Management –
Managing Conflicts I
Main Text: Genesis 16:1-9                           
Memory Verse: Genesis 16:9

People are quick to blame all others, except themselves, when things do not go on well. Man has the natural tendency to cheat others for personal gain. Also, because people see things differently, they do not fully understand the reason why others behave and do things in certain ways. Out of these human weaknesses arise tensions, suspicions, divisions, and conflicts. The disciple faces all these challenges at home.
·         Some things the disciple should know
The disciple should be sensitive to the level of peace in the home. He should know it when any member of the home is not at peace with:
o   God – as a result of sin committed
o   Himself – as a result of a deep-seated need – 1 Samuel 1:4-8
o   Others – as a result of offences committed against him
·         The disciple should know that conflicts in the home may be due to:
o   Selfishness – concern for one’s interests only –
o   Jealousy – sad feelings because of another person’s success – Genesis 4:1-8
o   Ungratefulness – failure to show appreciation to kind gestures received
o   Cheating – taking undue advantage of others – Genesis 27:41-42
o   Pride – having an exalted feeling of oneself --
o   Greed –ungodly desire to amass wealth by any means --
o   Personal differences – arising from differences in nature and nurture
Points For Discussion
1.     What do you do when things do not go on well in the home?
2.    Do you allow your personal needs to breed conflicts in the home?
3.    How do you handle conflicts that are due to sins committed?
4.    How sensitive are you to the feelings of other members of the home?
5.    Give example of offences that may lead to conflicts in the home.

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