Sunday, September 23, 2012


Lesson 18 -The Disciple & Home Management –
Managing Conflicts II

Main Text: Luke 15:11-32                   
Memory Verse: James 5:16

Conflicts can be found in all human relationships. The home is not exempted. When these are managed well in the light of the word of God, peace and harmony prevail leading to progress and prosperity. However, if conflicts are not well managed, the love, peace, cooperation, progress and prosperity that should prevail in the home are forfeited.  It is therefore the duty of a disciple of Christ to help resolve conflicts in the home.
·         Conflicts in the home need to be resolved between:
o   The disciple and his spouse – Genesis 30:1-4
o   The disciple and his children – Luke 15: 20-24
o   The  disciple and his siblings – Luke 15:25-32
o   The disciple and his parents – Luke 15:11-15
o   The disciple and his house helps
o   The disciple and his master – Genesis 16:9
·         Conflicts in the home are resolved peacefully when parties involved:
o   Express their true feelings in love –
o   Humble themselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit --
o   Recognize that they are fallible no matter their status
o   Genuinely desire reconciliation and restitution
o   Prepared to apply and take discipline as may be appropriate – Hebrews 12:5-7
o   Readily accept their faults and render apology
o   Are ready to forgive one another from a sincere heart – Ephesians 4:1-3
o   Seek to glorify God through obedience to His word
·         Resolving conflicts in the home is not an option; it is a responsibility
Points For Discussion
1.     How do you feel when you offend other members of your home?
2.    What do you do when you have conflicts with members of your home?
3.    Why should Disciples of Christ seek to resolve conflicts in the home?

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Lesson 17-The Disciple & Home Management –
Managing Conflicts I
Main Text: Genesis 16:1-9                           
Memory Verse: Genesis 16:9

People are quick to blame all others, except themselves, when things do not go on well. Man has the natural tendency to cheat others for personal gain. Also, because people see things differently, they do not fully understand the reason why others behave and do things in certain ways. Out of these human weaknesses arise tensions, suspicions, divisions, and conflicts. The disciple faces all these challenges at home.
·         Some things the disciple should know
The disciple should be sensitive to the level of peace in the home. He should know it when any member of the home is not at peace with:
o   God – as a result of sin committed
o   Himself – as a result of a deep-seated need – 1 Samuel 1:4-8
o   Others – as a result of offences committed against him
·         The disciple should know that conflicts in the home may be due to:
o   Selfishness – concern for one’s interests only –
o   Jealousy – sad feelings because of another person’s success – Genesis 4:1-8
o   Ungratefulness – failure to show appreciation to kind gestures received
o   Cheating – taking undue advantage of others – Genesis 27:41-42
o   Pride – having an exalted feeling of oneself --
o   Greed –ungodly desire to amass wealth by any means --
o   Personal differences – arising from differences in nature and nurture
Points For Discussion
1.     What do you do when things do not go on well in the home?
2.    Do you allow your personal needs to breed conflicts in the home?
3.    How do you handle conflicts that are due to sins committed?
4.    How sensitive are you to the feelings of other members of the home?
5.    Give example of offences that may lead to conflicts in the home.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Lesson 16- The Disciple & Home Management –                 
  Managing Relationships
Main Text: Ephesians 5: 21-25  
Memory Verse: Romans 12:18

God created Adam and Eve to be the primary family unit. When He brought them together as husband and wife, the first home was established. Following this, God expected Adam and Eve to reflect His power, glory, and will by the way they related with Him and each other. With the birth of Cain and Abel, the couple had greater responsibilities to each other as well as to their children; the children also had responsibilities to God, towards each other, their parents, and to themselves. Presently, the disciple of Christ is faced with the challenge of managing their homes well with the view to glorifying God.
In the home the disciple is expected to reflect the life of Christ in:
o The way he relates with God though personal devotions
o The way he relates with other members of the home
o The way he receives and treats visitors to the home
In all the above relationships the disciple is to be:
·         Guided by the word of God, and driven by:
          *Genuine love   *Faithfulness *Fairness  *Respect for others
           *Justice, and desire for personal holiness

Points For Discussion:
1.       How is your fellowship with God at home?
2.      How do you share fellowship with other members of the home?
What can you do in Christ to make other members of the home happy?

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Lesson 15 -The Family Life Of The Disciple
The Art of Discipline

Main Text: 1 Samuel 2:12-18
Memory Verse: Prov. 13:24

Discipline has been defined as the practice of training people to obey rules and orders, and punishing them if they do not. The bible clearly indicates that discipline is an integral part of Christian parenting. If it is well understood and properly applied it can set children on the path of godly behaviour.

·         Love for the child must always be motive for discipline (not anger, disappointment or embarrassment)
·         Love for the child must be exhibited in the 4” A”s: Acceptance, Approval, Affection and Authority
·         The child must be made to understand there is consequence (punishment) for acts of disobedient and rewards for acts of obedience
·         Consequences of disobedience may include confrontation, withdrawal of privileges, disciplinary action, the rod.
·         Rewards for obedience: praise, affirmation, privileges, gifts, bigger opportunities.
·         When discipline is motivated by love, the parent is careful, how, when, where and why the corrective action is applied.

Points for discussion

1.     Why are consequences of lack of discipline in the home?
2.    In what ways can we reward a child for acts of obedience?