Sunday, July 22, 2012


Lesson 11: The Disciple’s Marriage 3
                    (The Role of the Husband)
Main Text: Ephesians 5:22-33
Memory Verse: Eph. 5:25

Although men and women are equal in the marriage relationship, scripture gives specific roles to each. Basically, the husband’s role is three namely;

·         The husband is the head in the home (1 Cor 11:3; Eph. 5:23). This leadership should not be dictatorial or humiliating, to the wife, but should be in accordance with the example of Christ leading the church. This responsibility involves leading the family to the Lord Jesus Christ, taking decisions and providing direction for the wife and family.  In this headship also, the husband should show respect for his wife and her opinions.
·         The husband loves his wife.  Ephesians 5:28-29 exhorts men to love their wives in the same way that they love their own bodies, feeding and caring for them.  Also, a man’s love for his wife should be the same as Christ’s love for His body, the church. This love should be as Christ loved the church (His people) with compassion, mercy, forgiveness, respect, and selflessness.
·         The husband provides for his family; his failure to do so has spiritual consequences: (1Tim 5:8). This does not mean that the wife cannot assist in supporting the family, but the responsibility is not primarily hers, but her husband’s.

Points for Discussion
1.     In what ways can the husband be the head of the home?
2.    In what ways can the husband love his wife?
3.    In what ways can the husband provide for his wife?
4.    Are there other roles for the husband?

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Lesson 10: The Disciple’s Marriage 2
                   (Leaving & Cleaving)
Main Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Memory verse: Genesis 2:24

When God instituted marriage, He said that the two of them would become one flesh. The act of becoming one flesh involves leaving and cleaving. What does these mean?
·         Leaving your parents means recognizing that your marriage created a new family and that this new family must be a higher priority than your previous family.  Leaving your parents does not mean ignoring them or not spending any time with them. If spouses refuse to truly leave their parents, conflict and stress result
·         To “cleave” means “to adhere to, stick to, or join with.” It is a unique joining of two people into one entity. It means recognizing that you are joined, essentially “glued,” to your spouse. It is key in building a marriage that will endure hard times and be the beautiful relationship that God intends it to be. It means we do not quit when things are not going right. It includes talking things out, praying things through, being patient as you trust God to work in both of your hearts, being willing to admit when you are wrong and asking forgiveness, and seeking God's counsel regularly in His Word. . If spouses neglect to cleave to each other, the result is a lack of intimacy and unity

Points for Discussion
1.     In what ways can you leave your parents?
2.    What can couples do to enhance cleaving?

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Lesson 9: The Disciple’s Marriage 1
Main Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Memory Verse: Gen. 2:18

Christian marriage is a covenant relationship in which a man and a woman are united together as one in order to accomplish God's purpose for their lives. (Genesis 2:24). The first institution God gave man was the institution of the family. God after creating everything and man in his own image, realized that it was not good for man to be alone. Though he brought the animals to man to name, yet none was found to be suitable for man. God created Eve (a helper suitable to Adam) for man and blessed their union. Man was excited with God’s choice and exclaimed ‘this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh’-Gen. 2:23. God then established pattern of the marriage institution forever-leaving, cleaving, one flesh.
When Christian couples understand this basic foundation, marriage would fulfill the desired purpose of God-companionship.

Points for Discussion
1.     From the main text, how do you understand Christian marriage?
2.    What is the basic function of marriage?
3.    How can this function be achieved in marriage?
4.    How do you understand the verse “the man and his wife were both naked and felt no shame?” Gen. 2:25

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

COP Bible Study Lessons and Discussions: 2012 JULY WEEK ONE LESSON

COP Bible Study Lessons and Discussions: 2012 JULY WEEK ONE LESSON: Lesson 8: The Cost of Discipleship 4 (Taking up One’s Cross to Follow Jesus) Main Text: Mark 8:34 – 38 Memory Verse: Mark 8:34 I...

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Lesson 8: The Cost of Discipleship 4
(Taking up One’s Cross to Follow Jesus)
Main Text: Mark 8:34 – 38
Memory Verse: Mark 8:34

Taking up one’s cross was part of the conditions to becoming a disciple. The cross is a symbol of suffering, pain, disgrace and death.
Taking up ones cross means:
·         Being prepared to do whatever Christ tells us to do even if we must endure pain or are considered fools by unbelievers.
·         it is a means of holding on to things we would otherwise neglect if we had our own way.
·         doing the will of God even if it goes against our will; doing God’s will if it is at the cost of the most painful decision and action, even unto death
·         To love Jesus supremely is to deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow Him.
·         Members of the early Church took up the cross in time of persecution. Act. 8:3-6
·         They left their comfort zones to the desert under God’s instruction. Act. 8:4-8,26-35.

Points for Discussion
1.     What are some of the things that may constitute a cross in today’s Christian life that relates to:
·         Church leadership.
·         Family Life
·         Work
·         Youthfulness.