Saturday, March 28, 2015




Today’s Lord’s Supper has been necessitated by the fact that Easter Convention will be held during the first week of April 2015. The day could be free or the District/Local can decide to use the study provided for Week 13 in the manual as provided here.

Main Text: Gen. 9:1-7
Memory verse: Gen. 9:7 “As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it”

When God entrusts us with resources, he expects us to use them profitably. It is out of our fruitfulness that we add to the resources and therefore record growth and thereby glorify Him. God expectation of increase is expressed in His command to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. It is very important for Christians to know that the talents God gives us are for productive use and His glory. When we apply the talents as expected of us, we minister to people to the extent that some lives are transformed to the glory of God.

Discussion questions
1. How did God bless Noah? Vrs 1
2. What form of accounting did God demand from man? Vrs 5-6
3. What charge did God give to Noah? Vrs 7
4. How can you increase the talents God has given you?
5. What happens to Christians who fail to develop their talents?
6. How do you use your God-given talents?

Once the Lord gives a talent, he expects that the recipient will increase the talent through personal development. It has been the principle of God that, when he gives us something, it must increase within us. The Lord graciously led Noah and his family out of the ark and mandated them to multiply the life they had received. Jesus in John 14:12 says that those who believe in him will do greater works. All these show that God expects increase in our talents and we may face condemnation if we fail to increase.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


NNAWOTWE 12 – ƆKwan a Onyankopɔn Fa So Kyekyɛ Talɛnte

Twerεsεm Titire: Numeri 11:24-27
Sua Gu Wo Tirim: Romanfoɔ 12:6 “Na yεwowɔ ɔdom ahyεdeε a εsonsono, sεdeε ɔdom a wɔde adom yεn no teε. Sε εyε nkɔmhyε a, ma εmfata gyedie nsusuiε

Twerεsεm no ka no pefee mprε pii sε Onyankopɔn na ɔbεfiri aseε de akyεdeε no ama yεn. Sε Honhom Kronkron wo obi foforɔ a, saa onua no nsa ka Honhom Kronkron akyεdeε a  efiri Onyankopɔn nkyεn. Sε Honhom Kronkron bɔ saa onua no asu a, ɔde ahyεdeε foforɔ nso ma no. Ɛɛno na εboa saa onua no ma otumi di dwuma soronko wɔ asɔre no mu ne Onyankopɔn ahennie no mu nyinaa.

Bio nso obi nsa tumi ka saa akyεdeε yi bi berε a wɔde dwumadie pɔtee bi ahyε ne nsa. Deε εsε sε yεte aseε ne sε yεn wura no de akyεdeε (talεnte) ama yεn .
Yεn Twerεsεm Titire no kyerε yεn sε Onyankopɔn yi nkɔmhyε honhom no friii Mose so na ɔde guu mpanimfoɔ aduɔsɔn no so maa wɔhyεε nkɔm mpofirim mma wɔne Mose kyεε ne dwumadie no.

1. Mpanimfoɔ ahe na Mose frεε wɔn? Numeri 11:24
2. Deεn na Onyankopɔn yεε mpanimfoɔ aduɔsɔn no? Numeri 11:25
3. Deεn na εbaa mpanimfoɔ aduɔsɔn no so berε a Onyankopɔn honhom no baa wɔn soɔ no?
4. Na Eldad ne Medad wɔ hefa? Numeri 11:26
5. Kwan bεn bio na Onyankopɔn fa so de n’ahyεdeε ma ? 2 Timoteo 1:6.
6. Wo wɔ akyεdeε? ƆKwan bεn so na wofaeε a wo nsa kaeε?
7. Wohunu w’akyεdeε no sεn?

Onyankopɔn akyεdeε ne adeε a εtumi de obi si hɔ ma ɔdi dwuma soronko bi wɔ n’asɔre mu na esiesie saa onua no ma dwumadie pɔtee bi ma Onyankopɔn adwuma kɔ so.

Nyε sε honam fam nko na ahyεdeε no da ne ho adi anaa εbεba obi so. Yεn adesua no do no adi pefee sε Onyankopɔn honhom baa Israel mpanimfoɔ bi so na wɔboaa Mose wɔ ne dwumadie mu wɔ berε a odi wɔn anim no. Sεdeε yεasua dada no, Kristoni biara wɔ Onyankopɔn ahyεdeε (Talεnte). Onyankopɔn na ɔde kyε, na ebi nso nam nsa a mpanimfoɔ de gu yεn soɔ no so na εba.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Main text:  Numbers  11:24-27
Memory Verse: Rom 12:6 “We have different gifts according to the grace given. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith”.
Several verses in the Bible make it clear that God has given us gifts. These are so clear that we are not led to think that the gifts will now be given. A person receives gifts from God when he is regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Other gifts are also given when he is baptized in the Holy Spirit, which enables him to perform special tasks in the church and for the Kingdom of God in general.
Furthermore, Some gifts can be given to a person during the time of the person’s call into a special service or ministry. What needs to be understood is that the master has bestowed a talent to you. In our main text today, we see how God takes the prophetic spirit on Moses and puts it on seventy elders who then prophesied immediately to enable them share the tasks assigned to Moses.
Discussion questions
1.      How many elders were summoned by Moses? Num. 11:24
2.      What did the LORD do to the seventy elders? Num. 11:25
3.      What happened to the elders after they received the Spirit of God?
4.      Where were Eldad and Medad? Num. 11:26
5.      How else does God impart gifts? 2Tim. 1:6 6. Do you have a gift? How did you receive it?
7.         How do you use your gift(s)?
The act of calling, which sets people apart for a special duty, favour or benefit and which also confers special abilities on a person and makes him qualify for ministry is the gift of God.
The gift of God may not necessarily refer to some outward manifestation or special influence that comes upon someone. In our study today, we encounter God who imparts gifts to elders of Israel to support Moses in leading the people. As we learnt from the introduction, every Christian has a gift (talent) given either by God himself or through the laying on of hands by elders.

Monday, March 9, 2015




Main text:  Eph. 4:4-13
Memory Verse: Eph. 4:7 “But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it”
A previous study reveals a staggering condemnation of a man by his master because he failed to use his talent. Our churches are, however, filled with many Christians who are not aware of the talents God has given them and how they can maximize the benefits of such talents. Our study today seeks to bring to the fore some of the talents God has put under our control and how we can make good use of these talents. God has a special interest in the development of His church. It is in the light of this that various types of talents are given to His servants to fulfill such a vision.
Discussion questions
1.      What does God give to all of His children? Eph. 4:7
2.      What are some of the gifts that Jesus gave? Eph. 4:11
3.      What is the purpose of these gifts? Eph. 4:12
4.      What would happen to a church without any of the gifts?
5.      Can Christians mature without the gifts of God? Eph 4:13
6.      How can Christians receive such gifts? 2 Tim 1:6
7.      How do you avail yourself to be impacted by the gifts?
Our memory verse makes an emphatic statement “but to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it”. The implication is that, once you are born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit, he imparts a gift (talent) to you. Some talents (gifts) that God has given to all Christians are:
a.      The knowledge of God which comes by studying
His word (Psalm 119:15, 1 Tim 4:13)
b.      The gifts of the Holy Spirit and all the graces in the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 12:8-12, 1 Cor 30-31)
There are various talents that Jesus has bestowed on his Church. As Christians, we have a responsibility to identify the talent we have been given and how best we can use them to the best of our abilities.