Monday, August 19, 2013



Main Text: 2 Samuel 12:13-20
Memory Verse: I John 1:8

This lesson concludes the discussion of confession. In the two previous lessons we looked at how the need for confession arises when we over-step our boundaries, and when we grossly neglect to do what we are directed to do. Today we shall look at the tendency to cover our sins by other sins leading to delayed confession.

Adultery like any other sin stinks before God. Those who are privileged to enjoy fellowship with Him should watch out they do not carry any garbage of sin before God. For, sin must be exposed and confessed readily to receive pardon. To admit and confess one’s sins is to give reverence to God (Joshua 7:19). Yet God is satisfied when He punishes the sins committed, having forgiven the sinner. This is the reason believers sometimes go through periods of discipline after they have confessed their sins and received forgiveness.

Study Questions

  1. What sin did David admit he had committed? 2 Samuel 11:2-17; 12:9-10
  2. Why didn’t David confess the sin of adultery when it happened? 2 Samuel 11:4-5
  3. How would it have helped David if he had confessed the sin of adultery the moment it happened?
  4. What moved David to finally confess his sin? 2 Samuel 12:11-12
  5. What should be your attitude when:
·         You realize you have sinned against God?
·         A sin you committed in secret is becoming public?
·         You are tempted to cover one sin with other sins?

Sin stinks in the sight of God. It is forgiven if confessed, though there are consequences. We can save ourselves and loved ones a lot of pain and shame if we are careful to stay away from sin and to confess it when it happens (2 Chronicles 7:14). But the best thing to do is to watch out for all appearance of evil and stay away from them.

1 comment:


    Contemporary believers in Jesus Christ are sometimes caught in the bog of man-made tradition, just as were the scribes and the Pharisees.

    Matthew 15:1-9 Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus...9 ' But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men'."

    Jesus said the scribes and Pharisees were transgressing the commandments God for the sake of their own traditions. Do believers do that today?


    1.Some men say that Jesus is just one of many ways to salvation.
    The dilemma being that Jesus does not concur with this teaching of men.

    Acts 4:10-12 the name of Jesus Christ...12 And there issalvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."

    2. Some say that men are saved by believing in Jesus, alone.
    The problem is Jesus disagrees with this doctrine of men.

    Mark 16:16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved......


    1. Men are saved by grace alone
    2. God selected a few men to saved and all others will burn in hell.
    3. Water baptism is not essential for the forgiveness of sins.
    4. Believing in God is a work and it is not essential for salvation.
    5. God forces a preselected few to have faith so that they may be saved.
    6. Repentance is not essential for salvation. (Repentance means to make the commitment to turn from sin and turn toward God.)
    7. Water baptism is a work of the Law, or a good work, or some work not known and is therefore not essential in order to have sins forgiven.
    8. Men are saved the minute they believe in Jesus.
    9. Once men are saved they can never be lost.
    10. Men can pray to or through the Virgin Mary and other dead saints in order to have their requests granted by God the Father.
    11. God will save all mankind.
    12. Men are saved by faith only.
    13. The Bible is not the only place men can find God's commands for mankind.
    14. Extra-Biblical sources such as catechisms, creed books, new so-called revelations from God, writings by the early church fathers, Bible commentaries, and other books written by men are infallible sources for God's truth.
    15. Infants can be baptized before they believe in Jesus.
    16. Men share the first man, Adam's, sin and are therefore guilty of original sin.
    17. Men teach that priests have the authority to forgive sins.
    18. Men do not believe that only God can forgive the sins that are committed against Him.
    19. Some teach, and believe that Christians can continue in their sinful lifestyle and still enter the kingdom of God.
    20. Some teach that a loving God will not send those who reject Jesus as the Christ, into a lake of fire.

    Mark 7:7-8 'But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.' 8 NEGLECTING THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, YOU HOLD TO THE TRADITIONS OF MEN."

    Teaching for doctrine the traditions of men can present a dilemma, a problem, a predicament, a quandary, a difficult situation, a perilous quagmire.

    THERE IS AN ESCAPE FROM THE DOCTRINES OF MEN. IT IS REPENTANCE. True repentance only occurs when pride is replaced, with trusting Jesus for the truth. BELIEVING THAT THE BIBLE AND THE BIBLE ALONE IS GOD'S WORD.


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