Sunday, July 14, 2013




MAIN TEXTS: Genesis 45: 1-15; 50:15-20

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:28

This lesson is part of our studies on forgiveness. In the previous lessons we looked at the necessity for forgiveness due to disobedience, ingratitude, and rebellion. Today we shall look at forgiveness that arises as a result of hatred and wickedness.

If we can learn to accept whatever other people do against us as part of God’s plan for our lives, we can easily forgive them unconditionally (Genesis 45:1-8). The time that people genuinely ask for forgiveness is not the time to recount the evil they did against us; rather it should be a time to soothe their sorrows and heal their wounds (Genesis 50: 19, 21) with words of love.

Study Questions

1.    What did Joseph’s brothers do to him? Genesis 37: 28-34

2.    Why did Joseph forgive his brothers? Genesis 45:4-8

3.    In what practical ways do we show that we have forgiven those who sin against us? Romans 12:17-21

4.    How often should we thank God when others offend us? 1 Peter 4:14-16

5.    To what extent should we love those who maltreat us? Matthew 5:43-48

6.    How does God feel when:

·         You genuinely forgive those who offend you?

·         You fail to forgive those who offend you?

A closer walk with God helps us to know him and to love him as we should. This helps us to know his will for our lives, and to be thankful to him in all things. As his light shines on us we can truly live as the light of the world as we readily forgive those who trespass against us. At the same time we should be careful how we treat other people. Hatred and wickedness should not be found in our hearts.

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