Monday, July 22, 2013




Main Text: Luke 5:17-26

Memory Verse: James 5:14-15

This lesson is the final one on our studies on forgiveness. In previous lesson we looked at forgiveness that arises as a result of hatred and wickedness. Today we shall look at the sovereignty of God to forgive sins, and how through forgiveness He deals with the consequences of sin.

Sin affects people in several ways. God disciplines his erring children in ways which include sickness (James 5:14-15); death (I Corinthians 11:28-30); destruction (I Corinthians 5:1-5) shame and pain (II Samuel 12:6-12). Yet his love works out grace for us to receive pardon and restoration. In forgiving sins God expresses his sovereignty as the only righteous judge who has the antidote for sin.

Study Questions

  1. What did Jesus see as being wrong with the man? Luke 5:20
  2. What did the Scribes and Pharisees see wrong with Jesus’ pronouncement? Luke 5:21
  3. What did Jesus imply by pronouncing forgiveness on the sick man? Luke 5:24
  4. What does Jesus say of himself to all who are under the power of sin and Satan? Luke 4:16-19
  5. How has God demonstrated his readiness to forgive and save all who come to him? II Corinthians 5:21
  6. How do you think God will deal with you

·         If you confess sins committed by mistake?

·         If you continue to sin deliberately?


Even though sickness, death, destruction, and pain can be the cause of several factors, we need to examine ourselves always to assure ourselves that we do not carry these loads as a result of personal sins not confessed. God has made adequate provision for the forgiveness and salvation of all who come to him through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 14, 2013




MAIN TEXTS: Genesis 45: 1-15; 50:15-20

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 8:28

This lesson is part of our studies on forgiveness. In the previous lessons we looked at the necessity for forgiveness due to disobedience, ingratitude, and rebellion. Today we shall look at forgiveness that arises as a result of hatred and wickedness.

If we can learn to accept whatever other people do against us as part of God’s plan for our lives, we can easily forgive them unconditionally (Genesis 45:1-8). The time that people genuinely ask for forgiveness is not the time to recount the evil they did against us; rather it should be a time to soothe their sorrows and heal their wounds (Genesis 50: 19, 21) with words of love.

Study Questions

1.    What did Joseph’s brothers do to him? Genesis 37: 28-34

2.    Why did Joseph forgive his brothers? Genesis 45:4-8

3.    In what practical ways do we show that we have forgiven those who sin against us? Romans 12:17-21

4.    How often should we thank God when others offend us? 1 Peter 4:14-16

5.    To what extent should we love those who maltreat us? Matthew 5:43-48

6.    How does God feel when:

·         You genuinely forgive those who offend you?

·         You fail to forgive those who offend you?

A closer walk with God helps us to know him and to love him as we should. This helps us to know his will for our lives, and to be thankful to him in all things. As his light shines on us we can truly live as the light of the world as we readily forgive those who trespass against us. At the same time we should be careful how we treat other people. Hatred and wickedness should not be found in our hearts.

Monday, July 8, 2013




MEMORY VERSE: Romans 12:3

MAIN TEXTS: Numbers 16:1-12

Today we shall continue with our studies on forgiveness. In our previous lesson we looked at forgiveness that arises when we treat others with ingratitude. In today’s lesson we shall look at how God is ready to forgive us when we become rebellious, and how we fail to turn to Him for pardon, cleansing and restoration.

Man can at times allow pride and discontentment to lead him astray. Those who are thus deceived receive from God the just punishment. However, God forgives those who humble themselves before him when he reproves them of sin; those who harden their heart forfeit the forgiveness that God provides out of His abundant mercy. (Numbers 16:19-21)

Study Questions

1.    What specific ministry did God commit to the sons of Levi? Numbers 16:8-10

2.    Why did Korah and his colleagues rise against Moses? Numbers 16: 8-10

3.    Who joined Korah in his attack on Moses and Aaron? Numbers 16: 1,2

4.    How did God see the action of Korah and his colleagues? Numbers 16: 23-26

5.    How did Korah and his colleagues forfeit the forgiveness that could have been theirs? Numbers 16: 12-14

6.    How did God punish Korah and his colleagues? Numbers 16:28-33

7.    How can you avoid going the way of Korah?


God knows us and has placed us in specific areas in his vineyard. We should guard against pride and discontentment. If we slip into rebellion we should be humble enough to accept correction; for God is ready to forgive his erring but humble children.