Monday, February 20, 2012


Who Judges Prophecy?

Main Text: 1 Thess 5:19-21
Memory Verse: 1 Cor 14:29

It has already been mentioned that it is unhealthy for the church to allow all manner of prophetic utterances in its services. Actually, it is unbiblical and can lead to confusion and error. So the question arises as to which category of church members are qualified to judge prophecy. Some insight is provided in I Corinthians 14.

Paul calls for the orderly use of gifts in worship
He established the importance of the gift of prophecy – It edifies and strengthens the entire church. Vs. 4.
It is a sign to believers - it shows God is at work in His church, through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Vs. 22

Paul establishes the way the prophetic gift should be used in the church (verse 29)
Two or three should prophesy in any given service. Whatever the Spirit wished to communicate to the Church that day is likely to be catered for by the three.
While the prophetic message is ongoing, the others must examine and evaluate what is being said.
Who are “the others” that are tasked to judge prophecy?
From the context and from practical considerations “the others” could be said to be:
Other members with the prophetic gift.
The Pastor and other church leaders.
Every member in the Church

Points for Discussion
1. What are the rules for prophesying in the church?
2. Who qualifies to judge prophesy?

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