Monday, February 27, 2012


The Role of the Leader/Member in Judging Prophecy

Main Text: 1 John 2:20, 27
Memory Verse: 1 John 2:20
In judging prophecy, inner witness is a very important tool used to test the truth or otherwise of a prophetic message.  When the prophecy is true, there is inner peace. But when the prophecy is false there is anxiety and uneasiness. The inner peace and inner anxiety are called inner witness which is the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and must not be ignored in testing prophecy.

In 1 John 2:27, the apostle asserts that
Believers have an abiding anointing (the Holy Spirit)
This anointing is genuine and real
This ever-present anointing teaches us all things (including distinguishing between truth and false doctrine, prophecy, visions.)
The anointing works by inner promptings which we must learn to recognize and obey.

How to Handle False Prophecy
When all the indicators and your inner promptings show that there is false prophecy
As a church member, do not publicly interrupt the prophecy. What you need to do is to mention it to the leadership afterwards.
As a leader, if you realize that a prophecy is not of God, depending on what is being said you may allow it and bring a biblical balance later on, or stop it immediately.

Point for Discussions
1. What is the anointing?
2. How do you respond to false prophecy?

Monday, February 20, 2012


Who Judges Prophecy?

Main Text: 1 Thess 5:19-21
Memory Verse: 1 Cor 14:29

It has already been mentioned that it is unhealthy for the church to allow all manner of prophetic utterances in its services. Actually, it is unbiblical and can lead to confusion and error. So the question arises as to which category of church members are qualified to judge prophecy. Some insight is provided in I Corinthians 14.

Paul calls for the orderly use of gifts in worship
He established the importance of the gift of prophecy – It edifies and strengthens the entire church. Vs. 4.
It is a sign to believers - it shows God is at work in His church, through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Vs. 22

Paul establishes the way the prophetic gift should be used in the church (verse 29)
Two or three should prophesy in any given service. Whatever the Spirit wished to communicate to the Church that day is likely to be catered for by the three.
While the prophetic message is ongoing, the others must examine and evaluate what is being said.
Who are “the others” that are tasked to judge prophecy?
From the context and from practical considerations “the others” could be said to be:
Other members with the prophetic gift.
The Pastor and other church leaders.
Every member in the Church

Points for Discussion
1. What are the rules for prophesying in the church?
2. Who qualifies to judge prophesy?

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The Purpose of Prophetic Utterance in the New Testament

Main Text: 1 Corinthians 14:24-25
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 14:3
There is a time when God does rebuke and chasten His people. There is a place for this, but this is not his last word. In this lesson we shall look at God’s ultimate purpose for His children when He speaks to them through prophetic utterances. This is to bring them into His joy and happiness.

For Christians, Prophetic utterances are meant for:
Edification –building up and promoting another’s growth by Christian wisdom and holiness
Exhortation- encouragement and persuasion to do right
Comfort-to give strength and hope to one
For the unbelievers, prophecy is meant to
convince and convict
to reveal the secrets of their heart
make them revere and worship God.

There is a time for rooting out and pulling down what God has not planted (Matt15:13). Yet the ultimate purpose is planting.
There is a place for knocking down and destroying. But the ultimate purpose is building.

Points for Discussion
1. What is the purpose of prophecy to the following?
a. Christian b. Unbeliever
2. What do the following mean?

Monday, February 6, 2012


The Scriptural Test Of Prophecy

Main Text: 1 Corinthians 14: 29-32
 Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
The Bible indicates the need to examine every word of prophecy before they are acted upon. Among other tools for judging the prophetic message is the Holy Scriptures. The scriptural test is important because;
                 1. The Bible is the final reference point for any Christian action, word or thought.
                ·         All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
                ·         Scripture is profitable and useful for:
   §  Instruction and teaching of Christian doctrine
   §  Rebuking, reproof, and conviction of sin
   §  Correction of error and discipline in obedience,
   §  Training in righteousness
2. God does not say one thing in His word (the Bible) and oppose it by a word of prophecy. Scriptures must always buttress and confirm prophecy and prophecy MUST always be in line with Scripture.
3. When the prophetic word is examined in the light of the word of God the individual believer and the Church as a body are protected from falsehood.

Point for Discussion
Why is the word of God the final reference point in testing all prophecies?