Sunday, December 23, 2012


Study 7:  The Role of the Holy Spirit in Witnessing?

Main Text: Acts 8: 26-40 

Memory Verse: Luke 12:11-12


Jesus commissioned his disciples to be his witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the outer most parts of the world. However, he cautioned them not to move until they have received the Holy Spirit who will empower them to be effective soul winners (Acts 1:4-5). Indeed, you cannot be an effective witness unless the Holy Spirit helps you. Avail yourself to the Holy Spirit to help you in your witness.

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in soul winning with respect to the unbeliever? John 16:8-11
  2. How did the Holy Spirit help Peter in his witness? Acts 2: 4, 14; 4:8
  3. What was the role of the Holy Spirit in Philip’s witness to the Ethiopian Eunuch? Take note of Acts 8:26, 29, 35, 39.
  4. What role did Philip play in the winning of the Ethiopian Eunuch?
  5. How can you become an instrument the Holy Spirit will use to win others to the kingdom?
  6. What can you do to become sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in witnessing?

Jesus promise not to leave us as orphans. He sent us the Helper to enable us obey Him in everything. The Holy Spirit who knows the hearts all men will convict them of their sins and help the unbeliever to accept the gospel of the Kingdom. However, the Holy Spirit is willing to lead you to these persons whose heart he has prepared.  Will you heed to his leading and direction every day at any place and time?

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Study 6:  How Should We Witness 1?

Main Text: John 1: 40-46

Memory Verse: Mark 5: 19


There are basically two forms of evangelism; Mass evangelism is evangelism where many people are involved at the same time (Crusade, Rally, Media etc.)  and Personal Evangelism. Indeed, we are interested in personal evangelism because it takes only one person to do it and it involves no cost most of the times. The call to evangelize is given to each one of us. Many sinners will not come to church, therefore, we must go out to meet them where they are: in their houses, offices, town or village square, civic centers, playgrounds, hospitals, prisons, schools and marketplaces (Acts 20:20; 17:16-31; 16:20-34). These are mostly natural places where we find ourselves and God will be gladdened when we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel in these plases.

Discussion Questions

  1. In the main text, name the people who personally testified about Jesus to others.
  2. When did Andrew found Peter, and Philip found Nathaniel?
  3. How difficult or easy was it for Andrew and Philip to present Jesus to Peter and Nathaniel respectively? 
  4. In your view, what sacrifices did Andrew and Philip make to get Peter and Nathaniel to Jesus?
  5. What was the content of Andrew’s and Philip’s message?
  6. What lessons do you learn from Andrew and Philip?
  7. What other means can you use to evangelize?

You have been led to Christ therefore lead others to Christ. In leading people to Christ huge sacrifices are made. Andrew brought Peter, Philip brought Nathaniel, and somebody brought you. It’s your turn to bring somebody to the Lord Jesus. Who will you bring to the Lord? Is it your brother, friend or spouse? The Lord is waiting.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Study 5:  What is the Content of the Gospel Message?

Main Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Memory Verse: I Cor. 15:1-4


One of the excuses believers give for not sharing the gospel is “I don’t know what to say”. The word “gospel” means good news. It is best defined as the message of forgiveness for sin through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. It is essentially God’s rescue plan of redemption for those who will trust in His begotten Son in order to be reconciled to a just and holy God. The essential content of this saving message is clearly laid out for us in the Bible. Essentially, the Gospel message is made up of Man’s sinfulness, God’s redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the free invitation to all who believe and the promise of eternal life (John 3:16).

Discussion Questions

1.       What is the condition of all people without Christ? Rom. 3:23

2.       What is the punishment for all persons who refuse to accept Christ? Rom. 6:23

3.       What motivated Jesus’ coming to Earth? John 3:16

4.       What did Jesus do for us with respect to our sins? 1 Cor 15: 3

5.       What qualified Jesus to die for our sins? 1 Peter 2:21-24

6.       What happened to Jesus after third day? 1 Cor. 15: 4

7.       What must ALL people do to be saved? John 1:12; 3:16      Acts 16:31

To be saved, one must Admit that he is a sinned and cannot save himself, Believe that Jesus died on the Cross and Confess Jesus as personal Lord and Savior by inviting Jesus into the heart. This is the message we are to send to the world and to all people. It is not a complex message but a simple one. Jesus has promised to be with you in the presentation of this Gospel. You are not alone.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Study 4: Why are we not Witnessing about Christ?

Main Text: Jonah 1:1-3; 4:1-3

Memory Verse: 2 Peter 3:9


Though we know many reasons why we should share the gospel, unfortunately, many people do not witness about Christ to others. We give many excuses for not witnessing about Jesus. Jonah is an example of a man who was given the Gospel but refused to share it. When he repented, God spared his life so he could go and witness.  May his life challenge us to rise from our “slumber” and go out to share the good news of Jesus Christ. You can pause and ask yourself “when was the last time I shared Christ with somebody”? What excuses are you giving?  

Discussion Questions

1.       Who was Jonah and what was the message he was given Jonah 1:1-3?

2.       How similar is the wickedness of Nineveh similar to our world? Jonah 1:1-3

3.      Why did Jonah decide not to go to Nineveh? Jonah 4: 2-3

4.      What excuses do we give for not responding to God’s call to witness?

5.      What are the consequences of refusing to witness about Christ to others? Ez. 3:17-21; Mark 8:38.

6.      How does the kingdom of God affected by your refusal to share the Gospel?


Jonah’s decision to flee instead of obeying God to share the gospel negatively affected the people in the ship. The world is full of people leading sinful life such as idolatry, immorality; drug addiction, disobedience of children etc. People are helpless in stopping these vices. Jesus is the only hope and answer. Like Jonah and Nineveh, if we preach Christ to them they will repent and be saved.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Study 3-Why should we Witness to the Unsaved?
Main Text: Luke 16:19-31
Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 9:16
Witnessing is a compelling command to every believer. It is not the will of God that anyone should perish: He wants all men to be saved. The Lord Jesus Christ was not only involved in evangelism but also sent out His disciples to do so. They were to preach to every human everywhere. Paul the apostle said, “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!  (1 Corinthians 9:16). To him, witnessing is more important than any other thing in the world.
Discussion Questions
1.       What was the plead of the Rich man in Luke 16:27-28?
2.       What was Abraham’s response? Verse 29?
3.      What is the meaning of Abraham’s response in verse 29?
4.      How does Abraham’s response motivate you to witness to others?
5.      From the following scriptures, why should we witness?
a.      Mark 16:15
b.      Acts 4:12
c.       Ezekiel 3:18
d.      Psalm 90:10-12
It is an obligation for every believer to personally bear witness of Christ. The task is urgent in view of shortness of time, the brevity shortness) of life, reality of eternal judgment of the lost among others.   There are many people ready to be saved and that should compel us to preach to them before they perish. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Study 2: You are My Witness
Main Text: Acts 1:4-9
Memory Verse: Acts 1:8
Jesus, after his resurrection revealed himself to his disciples in various ways. He gave them his last command which is also called the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-48, John 20:21). However, in the Acts Commission, Jesus used the words, “and you shall be my witnesses”. What does it mean to be a witness? What resource did Jesus promise for his “witnesses”? This lesson will reveal the answers.
Discussion Question
1.       From the question the Disciples asked in verse 6, what do you think they were expecting from following Jesus?
2.       In your view, why do people come to Jesus?
3.      How does Jesus answer in verse 7, help to correct people’s expectation from God?
4.      In verse 8, the disciples are to receive power, what is the purpose of the power?
5.      What is the evidence of this power? Acts 2:4
6.      Have you received this power? Are you using it for the purpose for which it was given?
7.      What does it mean to be a witness to Jesus Christ?

To be a witness may be likened to Jesus being on trial again and you, as a disciple are been called to defend him.  Would you speak or keep silence. Your silence may be an indication that you are part of the prosecution. Any time, you refuse to speak to  persons whom the Lord bring your way, or you apologize and contradict yourself. As a Pentecostal, you have what it takes to be a witness to the Lord. Please do not disappoint him. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Praise the Lord Dear Reader!
Thank you for visiting this site and for going through our weekly Bible studies with us. We hope the materials have been a great source of divine blessings to every facet of your life. For some months now, we were using Bible Study Outline Volume 6. The last study was what we treated last week. By the grace of Almighty God, the next volume, Bible Study Outline Volume 7 is ready. We begin posting them from this week onwards. The study below is the first lesson of the new outline. May God bless you and keep visiting this site.

Study 1: The Mission of Jesus
Main Text: Luke 19:1-10
Memory Verse: Luke 19:10
The Bible indicates that Jesus is the Son of God, who left the splendor, beauty, glory, etc. of heaven to come to the dirt, sin, trouble and sadness of Earth. Why did Jesus come to earth? According to our memory verse, He came to seek and to save those who were lost. He had to give a huge sacrifice to achieve that purpose. Knowing His purpose would shape our life and actions with regards to what we do for Him and with Him. According to Matthew 1:21, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was destined to save His people from their sins.

Discussion Question
1.       Who was Zacchaeus? V2
2.       In your view, why did he seek to see Jesus?
3.      What prevented him from seeing Jesus?  V3
4.      According to verse 5, what did Jesus do when he got to the tree?  
5.      From verse 10, what did Jesus say was purpose for coming to Earth?
6.      Was this purpose achieved in the life of Zacchaeus? What shows?
7.      As a Christian, what lessons do you learn from the purpose of Jesus and how he sought to achieve it?  

 Zacchaeus, as far as we know, had never heard, seen or spoken to this man Jesus before this day - yet, in the space of a few minutes, his entire life was turned upside down! Although he was hiding on a tree, Jesus who had come to seek for the lost sought for him even on the tree. If we say we are His followers, then His purpose should become our purpose, to seek to save the lost by sharing the Gospel 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Lesson 19-The Disciple & Home Management
– Managing Resources

Main Text: Acts 5: 1-11                      
Memory Verse: 1 Timothy 6:10

The home is a very important place in God’s plan of salvation. It is here that characters are formed and developed through training. For this God provides various resources for the comfort of members. The disciple is called upon to be a steward of God’s resources. This responsibility needs to be carried out well to glorify God.
A disciple of Christ needs to know that:
·         God is the source of all the resources.
o   The earth and everything belong to Him –Psalm 24:1
o   The silver and gold belong to Him – Haggai 2:8
o   The time at his disposal belong to God – Psalm 31:15
o   The food on his table belong to God – Psalm 103:5
o   The clothing he has belong to God – Genesis 28: 20
o   All other resources in the home belong to God – Deut. 8:18
·         God expects him to take good care of all resources in the home
·         Resources must be used to advance the welfare of people
·         Resources must be used to advance the progress of God’s work
·         He should be careful he does not become a slave to any of the resources – 1 Timothy 6:10
·         God blesses disciples who prove themselves faithful stewards.

Points for Discussion:
1.     Mention some of the resources God has given you in the home.
2.    How do you take care of the resources God provides for the home?
3.    Is God pleased with the way you manage His resources?
4.      Are other members of the home pleased with how you manage God’s resources?

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Lesson 18 -The Disciple & Home Management –
Managing Conflicts II

Main Text: Luke 15:11-32                   
Memory Verse: James 5:16

Conflicts can be found in all human relationships. The home is not exempted. When these are managed well in the light of the word of God, peace and harmony prevail leading to progress and prosperity. However, if conflicts are not well managed, the love, peace, cooperation, progress and prosperity that should prevail in the home are forfeited.  It is therefore the duty of a disciple of Christ to help resolve conflicts in the home.
·         Conflicts in the home need to be resolved between:
o   The disciple and his spouse – Genesis 30:1-4
o   The disciple and his children – Luke 15: 20-24
o   The  disciple and his siblings – Luke 15:25-32
o   The disciple and his parents – Luke 15:11-15
o   The disciple and his house helps
o   The disciple and his master – Genesis 16:9
·         Conflicts in the home are resolved peacefully when parties involved:
o   Express their true feelings in love –
o   Humble themselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit --
o   Recognize that they are fallible no matter their status
o   Genuinely desire reconciliation and restitution
o   Prepared to apply and take discipline as may be appropriate – Hebrews 12:5-7
o   Readily accept their faults and render apology
o   Are ready to forgive one another from a sincere heart – Ephesians 4:1-3
o   Seek to glorify God through obedience to His word
·         Resolving conflicts in the home is not an option; it is a responsibility
Points For Discussion
1.     How do you feel when you offend other members of your home?
2.    What do you do when you have conflicts with members of your home?
3.    Why should Disciples of Christ seek to resolve conflicts in the home?

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Lesson 17-The Disciple & Home Management –
Managing Conflicts I
Main Text: Genesis 16:1-9                           
Memory Verse: Genesis 16:9

People are quick to blame all others, except themselves, when things do not go on well. Man has the natural tendency to cheat others for personal gain. Also, because people see things differently, they do not fully understand the reason why others behave and do things in certain ways. Out of these human weaknesses arise tensions, suspicions, divisions, and conflicts. The disciple faces all these challenges at home.
·         Some things the disciple should know
The disciple should be sensitive to the level of peace in the home. He should know it when any member of the home is not at peace with:
o   God – as a result of sin committed
o   Himself – as a result of a deep-seated need – 1 Samuel 1:4-8
o   Others – as a result of offences committed against him
·         The disciple should know that conflicts in the home may be due to:
o   Selfishness – concern for one’s interests only –
o   Jealousy – sad feelings because of another person’s success – Genesis 4:1-8
o   Ungratefulness – failure to show appreciation to kind gestures received
o   Cheating – taking undue advantage of others – Genesis 27:41-42
o   Pride – having an exalted feeling of oneself --
o   Greed –ungodly desire to amass wealth by any means --
o   Personal differences – arising from differences in nature and nurture
Points For Discussion
1.     What do you do when things do not go on well in the home?
2.    Do you allow your personal needs to breed conflicts in the home?
3.    How do you handle conflicts that are due to sins committed?
4.    How sensitive are you to the feelings of other members of the home?
5.    Give example of offences that may lead to conflicts in the home.