Monday, June 24, 2013




Main Text: Genesis 16:1-9

Memory Verse: Genesis 16:9

Today’s lesson is a continuation of study one in which we looked at the destructive nature of the sin of disobedience and the need to seek forgiveness from God when we sin against Him or our fellow humans. However, we shall focus our attention on one of the causes of sin – ingratitude, and how to deal with its consequences.

Man’s ingratitude often results in offences committed against other people. Such offences usually sour existing relationships and sometimes results in enmity. To heal wounds of this nature, it is necessary for parties involved to work towards reconciliation. The offender must be willing to accept their fault and the offended must be willing to forgive as necessary. This necessary step calls for true humility on the part of both parties.

Study Questions

  1. Why do you think some people are always ungrateful to others?
  2. How did Hagar show ingratitude to Sarai? Gen 16:3,4
  3. How did Sarai deal with Hagar’s ingratitude? Gen 16:5,6
  4. How do people express their need for forgiveness? Gen 33:1-4
  5. How does God deal with broken relationships? Gen 16:9
  6. How can you be reconciled to someone with whom you have a grudge?

We should be guided by the love of God to seek after reconciliation with our fellow men. Yet it is only when we allow the love of God to fill us that we can truly forgive those who trespass against us. On the other hand we need humility to admit our faults against others. In this way we prepare ourselves for forgiveness, reconciliation, and meaningful fellowship with God and our fellow humans.

Sunday, June 16, 2013




Main Texts: Genesis 2:15-17; 3: 8-13

Memory Verse: Romans. 3:23

This study looks at the destructive nature of the sin of disobedience and the need to seek forgiveness from God when we sin against Him or our fellow humans. In seeking forgiveness we genuinely accept responsibility for things done or said which have brought any form of pain and displeasure to our fellow humans and ultimately to God.

God is holy and hates sin. He requires those who draw to him in fellowship to share in His righteous nature. Similarly He expects all men to live responsibly in keeping with the purpose for which He created us. Thus though He punishes sin, (Gen 6:5-7) God is also ever seeking to save through forgiveness, all those under the burden of sin (Gen 3:14-15).

Study Questions

1.    How does God expect man to live at peace? Gen 2:16-17

2.    What is sin? Gen 3:11

3.    What does sin do to man’s fellowship with God? Gen 3:8-10

4.    How does sin affect man’s relationship with his fellow humans? Gen 3:12

5.    What is forgiveness? 2 Chronicles 7:14

6.    How can we receive forgiveness of sins? I John 1:8-10

7.    How do you express your need for forgiveness?


God expects us to walk in obedience to His word to maintain constant fellowship with Him. He loves us, and is ever ready to forgive us our sins. But we should not take His love for granted to walk in disobedience. For He will always punish disobedience in keeping with His holiness. Yet when we turn from our wicked ways God restores us to Himself in fellowship. When we genuinely ask for forgiveness He hears us, and guides us to continue to enjoy meaningful fellowship with Him, and with those we might have offended.

Monday, June 10, 2013




Main Text: James 1:19-25

Memory Verse: James 1:22


Beyond meditation is the ability and the discipline to obey the word. Listening to the word, reading it, studying it and meditating upon it are all useless if whatever we have leant has not been put into use or practiced. It is in vain to hold a touch light in the dark if you don’t intend using it. The essence of the word lies in how we can apply it to our daily lives.

Study Questions

  1.  What are the two main hindrances to the reception of the word, as hinted in James 1:21?
  2. How should we receive the word? James 1:21
  3. What role does the word play in our salvation? James 1:21
  4. How does the Bible describe the person who hears the word but does not live by it? James 1:22-24
  5. What will happen if one is able to continue in the word of God? James 1:25
  6. Why do Christians find it difficult to live the word of God if it contains so much blessing?
  7. What will be your attitude towards God’s word from now?


Some of us, especially leaders in the church and Bible studies leaders are eager to study the word to go and teach others. It is good but the most important thing is for you to apply it to your life first before teaching others (Read Ezra 7:10). Ezra prepared his heart to; (1) seek the law of the Lord, (2) do what is written in the law and (3) teach Israel to follow his example. All Christians are expected to be examples onto the world.

Monday, June 3, 2013




Main Text: Psalm 1:1-6
Memory Verse: Joshua 1:8


As stated in the previous lesson, studying the Word of God helps us to retain 50% of it. It is important however to note that memorizing and meditating upon the word helps you to retain 100% of it. Meditation helps you to draw and drink deep from God’s Word for nourishment and good health and steady growth. From our study today, it will be noted that meditation upon God’s Word leads to great blessing.

Study Questions

  1.  Identify the three things you should avoid if you want to be blessed. (Psalm 1:1)
  2. When are we supposed to meditate on the words of the Lord? (Psalm 1:2) Why?
  3. What are the benefits of meditating upon the word of God? (Psalm 1:3)
  4. What does the statement “… whatever they do prospers” mean? (Psalm 1:3)
  5. How does the word of God differentiate the righteous from the wicked (Psalm 119:130)
  6. What role does meditation on God’s word play in your life?
  7. How would you treat meditation upon God’s word in your Bible study life?


It has been noted that quite a number of Christians read and steady the word of God but it is only one per cent who meditate on it. Selwyn Hughes wrote that we will never really get the best out of the word of God until we know how to meditate on it. It can only be easy for you to meditate upon the Words of the God day and night if you delight in the Word of God.