Sunday, November 4, 2012


Study 3-Why should we Witness to the Unsaved?
Main Text: Luke 16:19-31
Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 9:16
Witnessing is a compelling command to every believer. It is not the will of God that anyone should perish: He wants all men to be saved. The Lord Jesus Christ was not only involved in evangelism but also sent out His disciples to do so. They were to preach to every human everywhere. Paul the apostle said, “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!  (1 Corinthians 9:16). To him, witnessing is more important than any other thing in the world.
Discussion Questions
1.       What was the plead of the Rich man in Luke 16:27-28?
2.       What was Abraham’s response? Verse 29?
3.      What is the meaning of Abraham’s response in verse 29?
4.      How does Abraham’s response motivate you to witness to others?
5.      From the following scriptures, why should we witness?
a.      Mark 16:15
b.      Acts 4:12
c.       Ezekiel 3:18
d.      Psalm 90:10-12
It is an obligation for every believer to personally bear witness of Christ. The task is urgent in view of shortness of time, the brevity shortness) of life, reality of eternal judgment of the lost among others.   There are many people ready to be saved and that should compel us to preach to them before they perish.