The Features of the Church II
Main Text: Hebrews 12:22-24, Matt. 16-16-18
Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 15:20
The church which comprises all who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior consists of two main groups, namely, The Church Militant and The Church Triumphant.
The Church Militant: This refers to the church of God on earth, and comprises all believers who are alive. She has the following qualities:
· Has the keys of the kingdom of God
· Has power to bind the Devil and his agents
· Has power to lose those bound by the Devil
· Has power to discipline her members
· She derives her authority from Heaven
The Triumphant Church comprises of all believers who are dead physically dead (called to glory or asleep in Christ). This church has the following qualities:
· The earthly toils of these members are over and they are not touched by sin
· They are awaiting the second coming of the Lord Jesus 1Thess 4:16-17
· They are in a state of rest
· They will arise first when Jesus returns for His Bride, the Church
· They will have glorified bodies
Points for Discussion:
1. What signifies that you are in the militant church?
2. What signifies that you have power to bind and loose?
3. When does one become a member of the Triumphant Church ?